Every service, a nursery is provided for children ages 0-3. Our nursery is staffed by wonderful men and women of our church, and the children will not only be looked after, but will also have a great time while their parents enjoy the services.
Along with our adult Sunday school classes, many children’s Sunday school classes are provided for their respective ages. The children will receive a special lesson designed specifically for their age groups, singing, and many other various activities throughout the year. The classes begin each Sunday at 10:00a.m.
Fairview meets the needs of every age group. Our K4 – 6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in a service especially prepared for them each Sunday morning at 11:00.
Songs, activities, and Bible lessons planned specifically for this age group make it a great time of growing for young people.
Weekly they are challenged with the truth of God's Word and encouraged to serve Him.
During the school year, beginning in September, our 4 – 12 year old young people meet each Wednesday night for a special service all their own. Each King's Kids session offers exciting ways for our young people to grow and mature in Christ.
Songs, games, crafts and – above all – the Bible come together to challenge the next generation to live their lives solely for the glory of God.
There is a strong missions and prayer emphasis with a featured 'missionary of the week'. Our King's Kids know our missionary family.
King's Kids also participate in several special outings through the year and minister to others in service related activities.
The focus of the Fairview Baptist Church teen ministry is to see God impact our youth in a way that leads them to impact the world for Him. We strive to accomplish this by teaching them to build a strong spiritual foundation in their lives. We emphasize the importance of centering their lives on God and His Word. We encourage teens to deeply root themselves in Him through daily Bible study, prayer, meditation, Scripture memory, and Christian fellowship.
There is a quote that states, "The generation that will change the world is the generation the world cannot change." Our desire is to see a spiritual walk developed in each teen that an ever changing world can never change. Through that foundation, we encourage them to go out and make an incredible impact on others for Christ and literally change the world for Him.
We would love for you to be a part of this incredible ministry. Our teens meet for Bible Study every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. We worship with our church family during the 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday services. The Impact meeting is each Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. There are also many scheduled outreaches, activities, and camps throughout the year.
Fairview Baptist Church offers Sunday School classes tailored to every stage and age of Adulthood. Adult classes meet every Sunday from 10:00 until 10:45 a.m. Please visit a class this Sunday.
Home Builders is a class for couples taught by Tom Gerdt. This class meets regularly in the north-east choir room. Tom Gerdt is a gifted communicator who regularly expounds Biblical truth in a simple and direct format.
LifeBuilders is a class for adults taught by Pastor Herrell. Each Sunday morning this class explores topics that contribute to personal and family growth as believers. An outreach program encourages members to invite others to Sunday School and church.
College and Career is a class for young adults taught by Brother Gavin Reed. Every Sunday, this class meets in the second classroom on the southwest side of the auditorium.
The Auditorium is a class for adults taught by Pastor Scallions. Many subjects and books of the Bible are explored and studied each week.
We have multiple opportunities throughout the year for adulkt groups to fellowship and grow in the Lord. Activities, conferences, and events are just a few ways that these groups grow together.
Spanish Service Schedule:
Sunday School: 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM
Declaracion de Fe de la Iglesia Bautista Fairview
Creemos que las Escrituras del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento son inspiradas verbalmente por Dios en todas sus partes, y por lo tanto, sin error; y que son la autoridad suprema y final para nuestra fe y vida (II Timoteo 3:16-17; II Pedro 1:19-21).
Creemos que hay un solo Dios vivo y verdadero, infinito en toda excelencia; que en la unidad de la Deidad hay tres personas distintas, el Padre, el Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo; sin embargo uno en esencia e igual en cada perfección divina (Éxodo 20:2, 3; I Corintios 8:6; I Juan 5:7).
Creemos en la Deidad absoluta del Hijo, el Señor Jesucristo, que fue engendrado por el Espíritu Santo, que nació de la virgen María, y que es verdaderamente Dios y verdaderamente hombre (Mateo 1:18-25; Lucas 1:26-38; Juan 1:1-2, 14; I Juan 5:20).
Creemos que el Espíritu Santo es una Persona Divina, igual con el Padre y el Hijo y de la misma esencia y naturaleza; que convence de pecado, de justicia y de juicio, da testimonio de la verdad, es el agente del Nuevo Nacimiento, y que sella, dota, guía, ensena, testifica, Santifica y ayuda al creyente, morando en cada verdadero hijo de Dios (II Corintios 13:14; Juan 14:16-17; 16:8-14; Romanos 8:9, 14-27).
Creemos en la personalidad distinta de Satanás, que es el dios impío de este siglo, el autor de todas las potencias de las tinieblas y del pecado y esta destinado al juicio eterno en la lago de fuego (Mateo 4:1-3; II Corintios 4:4; Apocalipsis 20:10).
Creemos que Dios creo los cielos y la tierra, incluyendo toda vida, “cada uno según su genero”, en un acto directo y no mediante el proceso de la evolución (Génesis 1-2; Colosenses 1:16-17; Juan 1:3).
Creemos que el hombre, en la persona del primer Adán, fue creado en inocencia, pero por medio de la transgresión voluntaria cayo en pecado y así hundió a toda la raza humana en al condenación y la muerte, de modo que toda la humanidad nace en pecado y es formada en maldad, y llega a ser pecadora por voluntad propia; por lo cual el hombre es inexcusable ante Dios (Génesis 3; Romanos 5:10-19).
Creemos que la única manera de escapar de la condenación del pecado es mediante la redención hecha por Jesucristo, cuando El voluntariamente tomo el cuerpo y la naturaleza de hombre, pero sin pecado, y con su sufrimiento, muerte y resurrección ha satisfecho completamente la justicia de Dios en cuanto al pecado del hombre. Creemos que las bendiciones de esta salvación son dadas por gracia a todos los que creen y confiesan a Cristo como su Salvador; y que es el deber inmediato de todos aceptar esta oferta de misericordia (Juan 1:1-3, 14; 3:5-7; Hebreos 10:4-14; Hechos 16:30-33).
Creemos que tener fe en la obra consumada del Señor Jesucristo es el único requisito para la salvación del pecado y que esta salvación es completamente por gracia; que ninguna obra, por buena que sea, puede salvar (Hechos 16:31; Efesios 2:8-9; Tito 3:5-7; Romanos 10:9-13).
Creemos que todos los que reciben a Cristo como su Salvador son nacidos de arriba y están eternamente seguros en Cristo (Juan 10:28-29; Romanos 8:35-39; Filipenses 1:6).
Creemos que una iglesia verdadera de Cristo es una asamblea de creyentes en Cristo, bautizados después de una profesión de fe; organizados y unidos en las doctrinas bíblicas; comprometidos en mantener en mantener las ordenanzas conforme a las Escrituras; reconociendo a Cristo como la única cabeza, tomando la Bíblica como única regla de fe y practica; y cuyos oficiales son Pastor u Obispo y diáconos (Hechos 2:41-42; Mateo 28:19-20; Efesios 1:22-23; Filipenses 1:1; I Timoteo 3:1-13).
Creemos que las ordenanzas bíblicas de la iglesia son el bautismo en agua y la cena del Señor; y que el bautismo es la inmersión en agua del creyente en Cristo, como símbolo de su fe en la muerte, sepultura ya resurrección de Jesucristo; y que la cena del Señor consiste en dos elementos que son pan sin levadura y vino (jugo de uva no fermentado), los cuales representan, respectivamente, el cuerpo y la sangre de Jesucristo; y que los participantes de la cena son creyentes bautizados; y que la cena conmemora el sufrimiento y a muerte de Cristo hasta que el venga otra vez (Hechos 8:26-29; Mateo 28:19; Romanos 6:4-6; Lucas 22:19-20; I Corintios 11:23-24).
Creemos que hay una diferencia entre los justos y los impíos; que solo los que ponen su fe en Jesucristo son justificados y santificados delante de Dios; mientras que todos los que siguen impenitentes e incrédulos son impíos a la vista de Dios y están bajo condenación; y que esta diferencia sigue entre los hombres tanto durante la vida como después de la muerte, en la felicidad eterna y consciente de los salvos y el sufrimiento eterno y consciente de los perdidos (Malaquías 3:18; Romanos 6:17-23; Mateo 25:34-41; Lucas 6:25; Juan 8:21).
Creemos en el regreso corporal y personal de Cristo antes del milenio (premillennial); que vendrá en el aire antes de los siete anos de tribulación, para arrebatar a su iglesia; y que vendrá con su iglesia al final de la tribulación para juzgar a las naciones y establecer su reino en la tierra (I Tesalonicenses 4:13-18; Mateo 25:31-46; Apocalipsis 19:11-21).
Creemos en la resurrección de los cuerpos de los muertos; que los creyentes que duermen en Jesús resucitaran cuando Cristo venga por su iglesia, y serán arrebatados con los creyentes y vivos y transformados para recibir al Señor en el aire; y que los muertos impíos resucitaran al final del reino milenario y estarán corporalmente delante del juicio del Gran Trono Blanco para recibir su sentencia final (Juan 5:21-30; I Tesalonicenses 4:16; Apocalipsis 7:9-17; 20:11-15).
As a church, we partner with over 90 missionaries to get the Gospel to the uttermost part of the world. Throughout the year, we have missionary guests in the services and host a conference in October focusing on our responsibilty in the area of missions. It is also our goal to allow our members to have first hand experiences with our missionaries. This is accomplished through mission trips to work alongside our missionary partners on the field.
Jason Christiansen - Ethiopia
Mark & Amy Coffey - South Africa
Tom & Tiffany Depew - South Africa
Kevin & Corli Hall - South Africa
Jim & Susie Horne - Kenya
Richard & Ruth Jertberg - Madagascar
Eustace & Tracie Kariuki - Kenya
Mshama & Martha Kinyonga - Tanzania
David & Julie McCrum - South Africa
Roger & Darlene McCrum - South Africa
Josh & Julie Mead - Senegal
Taylor & Lorin Norris - Mozambique
Luiz & Ana Nunes - Cape Verde
Luke & Tonya Shelby - Kenya
Chase & Ashley Southard - South Africa
Nate & Emily Wilkerson - West Africa
Simeon and Brettnay Brazzell - Australia
Steve & Bethany Carter - Japan
Dr. P.D. Cherian - India
Austin & Rhadee Cowling - Philippines
Terry Craig - Japan
Peter & Nenita Denisi - Philippines
Jonathan & Rachael Facenda - South Korea
Greg & Bekah Freyer - New Zealand
Brandyn & Alicia Knight - Japan
Jonanthan & Danielle Midkiff - Indonesia
Jason & Cherith Ottosen - Papua New Guinea
Dustin & Allix Williams - Japan
Anthony & Jemima Yamat - Philippines
Michael & Freda Yoo - South Korea
Benjamin & Patricia Broyles - Balkans
Brandon & Kristan Cook - Italy
Joshua & Behtany Furan - Ireland
Jonathan & Gracie Heaton - England
Tony & Dawn Hess - Russia
Chris & Natalie McPike - Scotland
Daniel & Christina Norton - Italy
Tim & Cynthia Peterson - Germany
Fransisco & Rebekah Puente - Spain
Michael & DeAnna Staley - Spain
Michael & Marsha Talley - Germany
Gary & Tami Byrd - Dominican Republic
Coco Chan - Grenada
CLA - America
Joel Désir - Haiti
Bob & Marie Ford - Bearing Precious Seed
Bill & Angela Goins - Calvary Stand Printing
Bob Harris - Idaho
Paul & Micki Henry - Texas Prisons
Nathan & DeAnna Hill - Deaf in America
Josh & Katye Magner - Mexico
NOW Ministries - Cuban Pastors
Patrick & Emily O'Brien - Canada
Eric & Susan Peters - Rock of Ages
Chris & Dawn Phillips - Selah Ministries
Dan & Jennifer Post - Canada
Shenandoah Boys’ Ranch - Calhoun, TN
Shenandoah Haven for Girls - Cleveland, TN
Travis & Teri Snode - VBM
Jason & Cassy Tate - Honduras
Ben & Becky Turner - Canada
Paul & Amy Valles - Caicos Islands
Tim & Susan Vermaas - America
Kason & Bethany Bloom - Ecuador
Terry & Wendy Broyles - Brazil
Benjamin & Bernice George - Argentina
Justin & April Grinstead - Argentina
Don & Ruthie Harris - Argentina
Michael & Martha Hart - Colombia
Jason & Lori Holt - Chile
Chestlet & Yessica Howell - Colombia
Markos & Stephanie Lindsey - Peru
Jonathan & Erin Mathews - Brazil
Daniel & Melissa Medina - Ecuador
Daniel & Jennifer Mee - Colombia
Don & Mary Merchant - Brazil
Josh & Allie Miller - Peru
Tracy Paver - Chile
Robbie & Lauren Prater - Paraguay
Mike & Tammy Ring - Brazil
Nathan & Sarah Ring - Brazil
Miguel & Mariangela Sanabria - Colombia
Jim & Rhonda Shaw - Brazil
Kevin & Beth White - Bolivia
**Several not listed for their security at their request
Our nursing home ministry takes place at Athens Place. Residents are treated to special singing, individual counseling, and a Bible message. Volunteers comprised of teens and adults provide this spiritual blessing to those who cannot attend a regular scheduled service.
Contact the church office if you have loved ones or friends who would benefit from this ministry.
Each Sunday morning, buses roll off the church parking lot to pick up precious children and adults for Sunday School and church services. Brother Kyle and Brother Will along with an army of workers crisscross the streets and county roads of Athens and the surrounding area to help others find a way to the church and to the Savior. Over the years, literally hundreds have been saved as a result of this unselfish ministry.
Our youth have begun a door knocking outreach that meets monthly. On the Wednesdays that they meet, they leave from their schools, go to the church to meet and pick up tracts. They then leave for the surrounding areas and knock on doors, inviting people to church, and giving the gospel if given the opportunity.
C.R.E.W. is an outreach program that does many different types of outreaches. Anywhere from serving meals at local shelters, to remodeling houses, if you want to have a part in outreach, but are not sure exactly how you can help, then C.R.E.W. is perfect for you. Many different people, from many different backgrounds, with many different skills can all come together and work as one.
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